David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace
Lowell Whiteman Primary School
Nancy Spillane Watch the Video “I thought if I didn’t look into this, I might be doing a disserviceto our children.”—Nancy Spillane DLF Spotlighht On Lowell Whiteman Primary School — Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Nancy Spillane, founder and head of Lowell Whiteman Primary School, has devoted her professional life to “inspiring in each child a passion for learning.” In 2007 she introduced the Quiet Time program with the Transcendental Meditation technique in her school.

Why did you choose the Quiet Time program?

Nancy: Since 9/11 I had been looking for ways to decrease stress at Lowell Whiteman. When I first saw the NBC program about kids meditating at an Iowa school, I thought if I didn’t look into this I might be doing a disservice to our children. I was intrigued because the program featured kids doing well with National Merit Scholarships, sports, and academics. The meditating children excelled on their ACT and SAT scores.

I was happy to learn that the main benefit of TM was stress reduction. With the pressure that kids put on themselves and what the parents put on them, there’s too much overload on the students’ nervous systems. If you watch the communications between kids these days, the rapid-fire cell phones and text messages, they are moving so fast that just to take a 10- minute rest twice a day is good for them.

After two years of practicing theTM program, what results do you see?

Nancy: I am hearing great results from the parents and teachers. I recently met with parents of next year’s eighth graders. Every single parent said, “Please keep the Quiet Time program going in the school. Don’t ever get rid of it. As a parent I beg you to keep it in the school.” Not one parent said, “Why are you wasting your time?”

Parents are seeing less squabbling among siblings, and their children are more communicative. Grades have improved and kids are more focused in the classroom. Parents of adolescent girls see them riding that wave with more grace. As far as the school environment goes, there are fewer discipline issues.

The teachers are finding that the kids have a greater level of concentration and a higher level of attention. The teachers’ ability to instruct and the children’s ability to learn have both benefited.

How has meditation helped you personally?

Nancy: The calmness I gain from meditating helps me in so many situations. When I attend headmaster meetings in Colorado, people ask, “What are your tactics?” I tell them that I meditate. It’s such a wonderful tool. When I know I’m going to have a meeting with an upset parent, I try to meditate first. I’m not defensive. My calmness also calms the parent. That’s the best tool in my belt. The beauty of it is that I used to use a lot of energy, but now it takes no energy to remain calm. I’m able to focus entirely on the parent’s message. I can be a true giver, giving 100% of myself. Both of us are winners in those meetings.

Support the
Quiet Time program
at Lowell Whiteman
Primary School

The David Lynch Foundation is seeking sponsors to fund the TM-Quiet Time program at Lowell Whiteman Primary School for 2009-10 Only $25,000 a year covers all student and faculty instructions, follow-up, and administration of the program. You can help sponsor this school program, which has brought about such profound positive changes in students’ lives. Help ensure that it continues. Make a donation

What is your vision for the future?

Nancy: We hope that when people visit us, they will want the same results for their school. When visitors come they ask, “How do you do this?” We want to be that shining light in Northwest Colorado, an example of a harmonious school, with everyone working together as a team, and with students who are more peaceful, more focused, and happier.


Lowell Whiteman students speak on
the Transcendental Meditation program

“I noticed that I have greater control over myself. Meditation has improved my social skills and I am glad of that.” —Seventh grade student

“I was surprised at how easy it is. And when I play hockey or other sports I am more focused. Right now I am playing lacrosse and tennis, and I know I have improved in both a lot!” —Seventh grade student

“I like that TM is easy and relaxing. Thanks for teaching us!” —Fifth grade student

“I like Transcendental Meditation because it soothes me. I thought when it first started it was dumb, but now I think it’s cool.” —Fifth grade student

“When I am on a roll, doing TM twice a day, I feel both tranquil and energized. The day seems to have more hours for getting projects done and for visiting friends and family. I realize the many ways it enhances my being and doing.” —Pam Morgan, Spanish teacher


Check out DLF-TV!

After three successful years of implementing the TM technique in schools, the David Lynch Foundation introduced DLF.TV, a new online TV channel that celebrates consciousness, creativity and bliss. DLF.TV is showcasing high quality video content from David Lynch Foundation events, compelling profiles and documentaries, exclusive contributions David Lynch, and a wide range of creative work. visit dlftv.com

David Lynch Foundation collaborates with Healthcorps.org

Healthcorps is a proactive health movement founded by Mehmet Oz, M.D., a renowned cardiac surgeon, bestselling author and health expert on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Healthcorps was formed to help stem the crisis of child obesity through school-based health education and mentoring, as well as through community events and outreach to underserved populations. The David Lynch Foundation will now be working with Healthcorps to help improve the health of at-risk school children nationwide.

To learn more about the Transcendental Meditation program
Call 1-800-Learn TM or visit www.tm.org

Copyright 2009, David Lynch Foundation. All rights reserved.