Alternative treatment
promoted for soldiers suffering
from PTSD
heals military
vets with PTSD
High-profile events in New York, San Francisco,
Washington DC, and Los Angeles garnered
support and media coverage for two of
DLF’s most exciting initiatives:
Donna Karan’s Urban
Zen Foundation partners
with DLF to launch
“Operation Warrior
Wellness NYC” |
Celebrated fashion designer Donna Karan, hip-hop founder Russell Simmons, and filmmaker David Lynch joined forces to launch “Operation Warrior Wellness NYC” in front of a standing-room only crowd of 500. This program will bring Transcendental Meditation (TM) and integrative therapies to veterans and their families in New York who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The audience was especially moved and inspired by the personal stories of veterans from each generation—World War II, Vietnam, and Iraq—who’d transformed their lives through TM, healing mind and body.
Watch event replay | View photos from New York  |
San Francisco school superintendent: Quiet
Time program is
“transforming lives, it’s
transforming our society” |
Carlos Garcia, superintendent of the San Francisco Unified School District, praised the Quiet Time program for helping turnaround several of the city’s most troubled schools.
Offered locally by the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education (CWAE), the program serves middle school & high school students, plus many faculty members and top school administrators.
View photos from San Francisco  |
CNN’s Candy Crowley “anchors” Washington
DC event at American
University's Katzen
Art Center |
This event showcased how Transcendental Meditation programs in the DC area help at-risk students, children with learning disorders, and veterans with PTSD overcome stress, anxiety, depression, and ADHD—while improving their creativity, focus, and mental resiliency.
Watch event replay | View photos from Washington, DC  |
Celebrities support
David Lynch
Foundation in
Los Angeles |
This Beverley Hills party highlighted local initiatives such as DLF’s collaboration with Children of the Night, a re-entry program for homeless/abused teenagers. Watch video 
David Lynch was joined by renowned psychiatrist Dr. Norman Rosenthal, author of the newly released NY Times bestseller Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation | About the book 
Read event coverage from LA Daily News
View photos from Los Angeles  |