Help a Woman in Need

Help a Woman Heal

It takes great courage for a battered woman
to leave her partner. In New York City, more
and more women are freeing themselves from
toxic relationships by participating in programs at the New York City Family Justice Centers
and Sanctuary for Families, which provide
social, vocational, legal, and emotional

To assist in this most important work, the DLF
Women’s Initiative is now offering training in
the Transcendental Meditation technique (at no

Women meditate together

Women meditate together
at Brooklyn Family Justice Center

charge to the clients) at three New York locations: the multi-service Family Justice Centers in Brooklyn and the Bronx; and the Sarah Burke House, a transitional living facility in the Bronx run by Sanctuary for Families.

At these facilities the TM technique is taught to women and children who are survivors of domestic violence, and who face some of the most difficult challenges in life, such as healing from physical and psychological battering, loss of partner or father, legal difficulties, searching for housing and work, transitioning to a new school, and so much more. TM provides these individuals with a lifelong tool for stabilizing, centering and harnessing their inner strength. In conjunction with other services offered by the Family Justice Centers and Sanctuary for Families, TM is proving to be a highly effective technique for promoting deep healing. 

Rachel Teicher, Director of Economic Empowerment at the Brooklyn Family Justice Center, reports, “TM creates a safe and empowering space for our clients to regain a sense of peace and control in their lives.”

This Mother’s Day celebrate a woman you love by helping a woman in need.

Make a Gift

Jerry Seinfeld and Howard Stern discuss TM

Jerry Seinfeld and Howard Stern

In this unreleased segment from Jerry Seinfeld’s online show, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” Jerry and Howard Stern discuss their personal experience with Transcendental Meditation over the past several decades of practice - including why they learned and how it has impacted their lives. WATCH

April Media Report

New Haven Independent   Modern Luxury Manhattan   Business Town Hall

New Haven Independent
“TM Chills Out
A High School”


Modern Luxury Manhattan


Highlights from
Business Town Hall
on Meditation



Salon Series: “Meditation, Creativity, & Focus”

Salon Series

May 6, 2014  |  DLF Office, NYC

If you work in the law field and are interested in Transcendental Meditation, we invite you to join us for a salon gathering, discussing the value of TM for reducing stress and improving creativity and focus in the legal profession. FIND OUT MORE


216 E 45 STREET • NEW YORK, NY 10017 • +1-212-644-9880 •

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