Legacy Giving
Life Payment Plans
A life payment plan allows you to make a substantial gift to the David Lynch Foundation while still providing for your financial needs. These types of plans are attractive to many donors because they offer substantial tax benefits and may increase cash flow to the donor and/or another beneficiary.

Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA)
This is the simplest of the charitable life payment plans. In exchange for a transfer of cash, marketable securities or, in some circumstances, real estate, the David Lynch Foundation contractually guarantees to pay a specified annuity to you and/or another beneficiary. You can claim current charitable deduction for the portion of the transfer that represents the charitable gift. As with other types of annuities, a portion of each annuity payment may be free of income tax over the life expectancy of the annuitant. If appreciated assets are used, then only a portion of the capital gain must be recognized over the life expectancy of the donor.
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT)
Popular for the financial and estate-planning flexibility they offer, CRTs are similar to other types of trusts, except that the David Lynch Foundation, the charitable beneficiary, receives the remainder interest. A donor entrusts property, specifying how trust income and the remainder interest will be distributed. A trust created during life takes advantage of income, capital gain, and estate tax savings. A trust effective at the end of a donor's life is especially useful for accepting retirement fund assets.

Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT)
The primary feature of a unitrust is that it provides for payment to the beneficiary of an amount that may vary. The beneficiary receives a percentage, a minimum of 5%, of the fair-market value of the trust assets as valued annually. If you fund the unitrust with appreciated property held for more than 12 months, you can increase the tax benefits. A unitrust is the vehicle of choice for converting marketable real estate and un-marketable securities to income production. You may choose to make additional gifts to the unitrust in the future.
Charitable Reminder Annuity Trust (CRAT)
The annuity trust shares many common features with a unitrust. The principal difference is in calculating the stream of payments to the beneficiary. The annuity trust provides a fixed payout of not less than 5% of the initial fair-market value of the gift in trust. The fixed payout feature of the annuity trust makes it particularly suitable for a beneficiary who needs the security of specified income.
Join the Legacy Circle
By joining the Legacy Circle, your generosity will help us bring our programs to the millions of people whose mental, emotional and physical well-being are compromised by trauma and toxic stress. Your planned gift will have a ripple effect of positivity in households and communities across the nation.
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