TM Research
University of Michigan

University of Michigan study finds improved emotional development in early adolescent African American children practicing Transcendental Meditation
Rita Benn, Ph.D., Director of Education, Complementary & Alternative Medicine Research Center, University of Michigan
Preliminary analysis indicated that school climate and gender varied significantly by school. Controlling for effects of these covariates, significant differences (p<.05) were found between students in the two schools. Students practicing TM had significantly higher scores on three scales: positive affectivity, self-esteem, and emotional competence. In addition, MANOVA results indicated a significant change in affectivity from baseline to post assessment between groups (p<.05). TM students reported a significantly higher elevation in positive emotional state mood state over time and decrease in negative affect immediately after meditation practice.
The results provide evidence that the practice of TM positively affects emotional development in early adolescent African American children in a school setting where its practice is supported by the administration.